Friday, July 6, 2012

Texting the Tenant

I stopped by the shop this afternoon and was showing the girls some photos of the townhouse.  They too were shocked by the gunk.  I explained how I was going to sneak over there this evening and paint a few rooms...just a little surprise for my husband.  But I had an ulterior motive:  I wanted him to see that we CAN do this on our own.  Well, Tarin (our newest Lucketts girl) offered to help!  Then, Dillon (one of our worker boys) offered to help as well.  We had a real plan here!  I was getting very excited...we might get the whole first floor done!
Okay, long story short ..WE GOT NOTHING DONE!  We tried!  But, we quickly we were trying to apply the paint that the walls were too dirty, dusty, sticky, hairy, STICKY ...just disgusting.
They left ....I cried! And then I pulled out my sidekick - the Android.
1,2,3,4,5,6,...texts later....I typed without thinking....
Still waiting for a response.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

HGTV style fixer upper

We are selling our townhouse.  The last tenants left it uninhabitable! 

Now we have to repair, remove, repaint, improve this house in order to sell it.  We need to get this on the market ASAP.  We don't have extra money to throw into fixing her up so it's up to us to do it well and do it cheap. 

Our real estate agent wants to rip out carpeting and put down hardwood floors.  Then add granite to the kitchen counter tops and hire just a few 5 or 6 people to paint, clean and reclaim.  Doug and I can't afford our goal is to do this on a dime...and in two weeks!

Doug's not convinced I can do it.  I'm heading over to the townhouse tomorrow morning...6am...with our vacuum.  (Bring extra vacuum bags...because none of this filth is coming back to my house!)

I'm meeting with Ty's Carpet Cleaning Service at 9am.  I'm hoping we can salvage some of the carpet. 

the walls looks like this too
Stay tuned...more photos of the mess to follow.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

1 1/2 years...and never been vacuumed!

We gave our tenant the typical 30 days noticed.  We gave written noticed but also gave her a call to let her know it was time to sell the house.  After the first year she was on a month to month lease, so this was not a big surprise to her.  Throughout the 1 1/2 years that she lived there we had only been there a few times.  Doug had been there...not me.  Each time, he came back mortified at the condition of the property.  I thought he was being melodramatic....until yesterday!
Throughout the house...every carpet looks like this and worse!

OMG...she moved out but left tons of furniture and garbage and filth!
Notice the broken portable freezer in the kitchen!

 The house is truly disgusting in every nook and cranny.  She told Doug she was sorry but she didn't own a vacuum.  Apparently, she didn't own any cleaning supplies as well.  And it appeared to me, that young people were living there unsupervised.  There are spills on every surface including the walls!!!
The walls are pink!  And another and yet another...dark something.  And, hard to see the filth but the carpet is covered with food, tiny rubberbands and ????

Tonight I took over a few supplies:

And more supplies:
And wait to you see the wholes in the wall and the master bath - disgusting!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

17 years later

Our first home was purchased in 1994.  Mirror Ridge was a spanking new townhouse community in Eastern Loudoun.  We were implants from Pittsburgh, PA.  We were used to sweet old victorian homes, row houses, step-on-the-crack sidewalks and mature trees.  We were still in culture shock but we were entrigued at the idea of watching our townhouse go up...brick by brick!  Every evening after work we would grab a couple rolls of film, a 6pack of beer and perch ourselves on the tailgate of our pickup truck and dream.  Great times!  Oh....we were young!  We even bribed a few construction workers with a case of beer or two so they wouldn't paint the fireplace and would add extra insulation!  We were there every step of the way with hundreds of photos to prove it.  (This is where I will learn how to scan old photos!)

Now, July 3, 2012 we are about to sell our first home.  We have had great....even fantastic tenants throughout the years but our last tenant....well ..I'm speeeechless.  She, the tenant, divorced with a few kids...apparently never was there and NEVER vacuumed!  I have never in my life seen such crud.
Every room ...every inch of carpet looks like this and worse!

I'm too stunned to show more photos right now.  This one really doesn't show you the depths of my despair. And my photograghy skills really need to be amped up to document this fully.  I know we won't sue her....that'st just more time and money we really don't have.  But if she comes crying to us that she wants her deposit back....well, I better document. 
So, after a glass of wine or two....I'll hitch a ride with my husband and try to get some better photos.  It's time to pull out the IPAD - I find that a little easier to work with and better quality than my android..