Monday, April 30, 2012

Springtime in the garden

Sitting so pretty in the pathway to my garden shed are the Siberian Iris's. Such a great view in early spring from my screened-in porch. (I plan a big redo of my garden shed, inside and out. Check's a huge project, but I reallllly want this to be full of garden supplies and much less fixer upper projects!
The flower is petite in size compared to the traditional beared iris. The bright green foliage stands tall and strong all summer long and creates a great backdrop for later bloomers in your garden. This fall it will be time to divide them. They've been carefree for over 5 years, how nice it's been to do nothing but enjoy them year after year but it's time. They are getting a bit crowded and I know there's enough to wrap around my garden shed twice and still have plenty to share with family and friends...and a give away! I can ship these, right? Leave a comment if you are interested. I will pick three of my favorite gardener comments and ship just in time for fall planting.